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The Death of Indonesia

Konon, Pemilik Sifat Ini Bisa Jadi Target Penculikan Alien
Hey, Its my first short story writing in English. Hmm, actually, it just a project from my lecture to create a short story. I think, it would be useless if this short story just fully my hardisk.  I post this content special for you and I hope you can fell over the moon after reading this fiction short story :D

Here's is it, enjoy then :

In a big city in Jakarta. Stay in a small family. They are Mrs. Kelly, Mr Disis and their 19 years old teenager named Boy. Mr Disis works as a doctor in a hospital in Jakarta called Hermina Hospital. While Mrs.Kelly is a Freelance Copy Writer and Content Writer. She works online all the time.

He offers his services on one of the world-famous freelancing sites, Every day he does is write. Write to clients who order their services there. He even got several times from overseas clients. In addition he is also a blogger who likes writing content about literature.

His son Named Boy is a 19-year-old boy. Boy studied in Health Information Technology. This is the one and the only department in Indonesia and University of Jakarta is the one and the only university which has its department. This department combines the application of information technology and health to create new health technologies.

Actually, Boy doesn't interested in the health field. Boy took the health field just because of advice from his father. Actually, he prefers to technology field. Based on these considerations, he decided to select a major in information Health technology at the University of Jakarta Faculty of Tecnohealty. His mother once gave advice to major in literature. However Boy was never interested in that and Mrs. Disis also understand it.

19th June, Monday, nearing the semester break for boys and fathers which is usually given by for 7 days, Ny. Kelly got a client from Bali. The Clients named Bliyoshi from Bali. He need a Copy Writting service for a five-star hotel lodging business and vacation tickets in Bali named Airpazz. The client is very satisfied with Mrs. Kelly. A week after copywriting is published, there are many visitors who come to the hotel to stay and take a vacation

Bliyoshi gave the gift to Mrs. Kelly because he really appreciates an art and he has confidence in his religion, sharing can make his business smoother. Bliyoshi gives a vacation voucher in Bali for 5 days and it's given too for free lodging there with his family along with free plane tickets.  Mrs. Kelly was surprised when she read the chat from the Bliyoshi. Mrs. Kelly thought this was just a scam, but after further investigation, there was no element of fraud. She was also free of charge. Mrs.Kelly was very happy to receive the notice, because, this was the first time she had gotten a free vacation, especially with family. Then without thinking over, Mrs. Kelly immediately accepts its offer.

At the time, Mr. Disis came back home from the hospital at 2 PM. He worked at the hospital as a doctor for 6 hours from 8 PM. At the same time, Boy also came home from school. After everyone gathered together and enjoyed the food that Mama had made to replenish energy. During they eat, Mrs.Kelly told them, that she got a free holiday gift to Bali and free lodging. They really happy to hear that, because at that time, the next two days were the day when Boy's semester off began, the same as his father. Indeed, the University only gives 7 days of semester break time.

They used a Lion Air plane from Jakarta Airport to Denpasar Airport. Their destinations to Bali are Kuta Beach, Tanah Lot Temple, and Lake Beratan Bedugul. They really enjoyed the holiday. The hotel he occupies was extraordinarily magnificent. On the third day, Mother and Father met Hiyoshi, who had ordered his services on an online site. Today, Boy was left alone in a hotel. Boy confused about what he must do. He was only at the hotel and doing his hobby that is Pushing Rank Mobile Legend Online Game

Bliyoshi plans to sign a long-term contract with Mrs Kelly. He, said that Mrs. Kelly has an extraordinary ability in writing copywriting and content writing. He wants to make Mrs Kelly as a permanent writer in the Airpazz company in the office with a fantastic salary. However, Bliyoshi did not force one bit. If Mrs. Kelly does not want to work in Bali, she can work from home without having to go to an office in Bali. However, he only gets half of his salary when compared to working offline in Bali. Bliyoshi gives Mrs. Kelly time until tomorrow to decide on this.

After returning from the office, Mrs. Kelly and Mr. Disis went to a restaurant near the Airpazz office. The restaurant itself called Sensorium Bali. They were enjoying talking about Mrs.Kelly profession. Mr. Disis did not agree, if she had to work in the Airpazz office and became a permanent employee there, remembering that at home, Mr. Disis was still busy with his work as a doctor at the hospital. Mrs. Kelly could still work from home with an online system. Actually, being able to work in the biggest company was the dream of Mrs. Kelly since he was young.

However, Mrs. Kelly was aware of her responsibilities at home, which was also a housewife and freelancer. At least, now he has a permanent job. It didn't feel like the time was showing at 5PM, they hurried home to bring home and bring food to Boy. When Father and Mother returned to the hotel and Boy was still busy with his game Push. Indeed, Boy is Mobile Legends gamers who had a dream to become the World's Top Global player, he used to not eating all day to raise Rank in the Mobile Legends Game. After arriving at home, mama told Boy to take a shower then eat. After finishing bathing, Boy approached the food bought by his parents, but apparently Boy did not like it. Boy wants a Balinese food called Tipat Blayag.

This Balinese food is similar to rice cake. Tipat Blayag consists of tipat (Balinese base for rhombus), eggs, shredded chicken, lawar, soybeans, chicken skin crackers and chilli sauce which are then doused with coconut milk in a special Balinese spice that tastes savory and slightly sweet, like curry.

Then Boy walking out and tried to looking for the food. He got the food on the restaurant around the hotel. Boy bough 3 servings of it.

When Boy returned to the Hotel, Boy met a mysterious man who was coughing besides a traffic light. Boy approached and said

"Hey ... are you sick? What are you doing?"

The man "I have not eaten for 3 days, I do not have a house sir."

Boy who felt blue, because the young man looked lethargic, he offered Tipat Blayag he bought earlier

"You want this?"

"Oh, very kind of you sir, Thank you ”

"Take it"

The young man took food that was handed over by Boy. When he take the food, the young man coughed and unconsciously there was a droplet stuck to Boy's hand. Boy continued the walk to the hotels and bring the rest of food to home. The young man disappeared with the speed of light, so no one saw him for even a second.

Actually, the young man, is the incarnation of extraterrestrials who are usually called aliens. The young man was sent down by aliens to the earth and tried to destroy the earth by spreading deadly viruses. After getting one victim and felt his job was completed the young man returned to space and did a report that his task was complete. This virus is created by a group of Global Elite in Space who want to rule the world, the Aliens.

Aliens want to annihilate the people of Indonesia by the way creating a virus that can only infect indonesian. Indonesian have a different cell structure with countries in the world. The uniqueness of Indonesian cells is that they are bigger than the cells of other countries, so Indonesians are being the most easiest to destroyed and detected. Alien elites have carried out this research for millions of years.

In addition, Indonesia's natural wealth can be utilized by these groups to rule the world. Aliens have created a virus with a technology called COVID. This COVID technology uses the strength of the signal network from the cellphone to be able to trace the shape of human cells.

If aliens can control Indonesia. Life on earth will bow to Aliens because all this time the inhabitants of the earth consider Aliens to not exist. After knowing of its existence. All countries become afraid of Indonesia which is inhabited by the life of a new living being. They are Aliens.

Arriving at home, Boy eats the food and offers to his Papa and Mama. They also tried the food, it's very different from the Rice cake that is sold in Jakarta. Although it's almost the same but it feels really different. Boy forgot not to wash his hands when he got to the hotel and just ate because he could not wait to enjoy it.

The next day, on the 4th day Mrs. Kelly with husband returned to Hiyoshi Office and informed him of the work agreement with the hotel company named Airpazz. Hiyoshi also accepted gracefully and the small family returned to Indonesia.

When they arrived in Indonesia, they took a full rest for 3 days after returning from the airport to the house because the journey was tiring.

On the fifth day

In the afternoon, Mr. Disis sat in front of the TV while drinking coffee and it appeared that he was coughing a cold

“Dad, why? You have a flu?”

“Yes, son, it looks like I’m just tired, after going Bali

”Did you get a checkup?”

“No need son, It is just normal flu”

After the holiday was over, Dad then worked again as a doctor. The first day he work, Mr. Corona get the morning shift part. At the same time, Boy also had to go to his beloved campus and meet with scary killer lecturers. Meanwhile, Mother is busy cooking in the kitchen and preparing delicious food for father and boy. Stir-fry beans is their favorite menu of dishes. According to their, it is the most delicious dishes in the whole world and no more delicious food than Mrs. Kelly cooking.

At the hospital, my father met his colleagues and mingled with them. Father worked as usual and served patients professionally while wearing a mask because he was not feeling well. When entering the quiet hours, where there are no fussy patients, his father and friends chatting in the doctor room. Father took off his mask, because he felt stuffy. When removing the mask there was a friend of my father named Jo who was beside him and accidentally after taking off the mask, my father coughed, but not a severe cough, just coughing once, like someone who drank less because his throat was hoarse when he coughed, unknowingly there was a droplet attached to Jo's hand

"Hey, Dis, why did you take off the mask? Where's cough again?

"Um. Yes sorry Jo, I'm difficult to breath. "

"No Problem, reuse your mask again, for the common good"

After 6 hours of work, Father returned home and met his family. At home, father felt tired and mother had prepared food to entertain Father. Boy had come home earlier at 12 that afternoon and continued his hobby to push rank mobile legend game. Dad's coughing got worse and decided to get permission on the next work day.

Father's condition is getting worse, he coughs and continues to sneeze. Luckily my father was still able to go to the pharmacy which was about 500 meters from home. Father started to come to the pharmacy because of his guessing is wrong, the medicine that he thought was available, actually not. He deliberately did not go to the hospital because the distance was too far and he was lazy in traffic jams.

At the time when at pharmacy, there was a kid, who nudged Dad with his toy. Father turned and looked at the cute little boy. Dad coughed accidentally, then regarding the face of the kid. The little boy wiped his face from being splashed by his father's cough. When father went to the pharmacy, he only bought cough medicine and it turned out that the medicine did not work as it should. Mr.Disis's condition is getting worse, even Mr.Disis suddenly coughs up blood and dies at his bad the next 2 hours. Boy and Mrs. Kelly cried hysterically because his own father showed no symptoms of serious illness. Suddenly his father was found lying with blood coming out of his mouth. They don't know what they should do and they just cry all the time and cannot move because they are too shocked.

Coinciding with its accident, there was a news that appeared on TV that many residents in Jakarta had died with the same symptoms as Boy's father.

Slowly all the Indonesian cities began to be infected with this deadly virus, starting with the coughing spark of the father before. However, the deadly virus had been designed by Aliens not to react quickly at first. The virus will react after 14 days. After 14 days the patient will immediately cough - bleed cough, droplet from the bleeding cough will mutate into a more dangerous virus and the virus will react after 14 days. After there was one person infected and the droplet fluid from his bloody cough spread, the virus only took 2 hours to destroy humans. After suffering from coughing up blood, humans can no longer be saved. The longest humans will only survive last for 1 hour.

The researchers who are examining the origin of the virus could not even detect where the virus came from. This is a new type of virus and has a very strange structure. It has never even been studied in any country. The method used to save humans is just only by strengthening the immune system of each human being. There is no vaccine

It’s pandemic’s occur in all regions of Indonesia. One by one, doctors began to be infected with this virus and could not survive. Many young doctors are eventually parachuted by the university to handle this case. Personal protective equipment used by medical personnel continues to thin out. Indonesia has sought assistance abroad but no one cares. Because all the countries are knowing the dangers of virus itself. The only way to end this virus is isolating the State of Indonesia. People from outside Indonesia be not able to enter Indonesia vice versa.

Boy, who became the first intermediary in spreading the virus and did not experience any symptoms was also infected with the virus. Without realizing it, he is also infecting to his friends at campus. Then they spreading to his family at home and friends at his boarding house. Students at campus are from various regions in Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. Because of it, then all Indonesians are infected.

Suddenly, a lot of people die in several cities in Indonesia, then it is followed by other cities until the infected human population becomes more than those who are not infected. People who are not infected are busy isolating themselves in their homes. However, residents who isolate themselves in their respective homes on average do not have sufficient food supplies and eventually, they starve to death. This accidents also happen to boy and Mrs. Kelly

Because the population of infected people is more, then the infected people form a crowd in each city to transmit the virus to the entire population. There was a great war between the soldiers and zombies because of a virus infection created by aliens. Blood were everywhere. Zombies are fired on by the army for the survival of Indonesian. However, they unable to manage this. They lost. The blood which is splattered from the results of the shooting also hit the clothes and skin of the soldiers who eventually immediately infected them. The soldiers who had wanted to get rid of zombies, eventually, to be the next zombies.

Then, hundreds of mysterious blue lights fell from the sky and hypnotized anyone who looked to walk toward him. The light then sucked the victims. It turns out that the light came from dozens of alien fleets (aircraft carriers) in the city sky. The fleets suck hundreds of humans like vacuum cleaners suck dust.

The virus continues to spread throughout cities in Indonesia, even widespread. to the villages. Finally, because it did not get help from any party, Indonesia finally became a dead country.

Aliens, who seems to have more sophisticated technology than Earth, monitors this event from space. This colonialism is broadcast on space television, so that all outer space people will know that there will be a new place for those who are rich in natural resources.

The wealth of these natural resources will later make life in space more prosperous. After all the Indonesians were destroyed, Aliens leaders from the big planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune descended on Indonesia and made announcements to earth. New power is present in Indonesia as part of the earth. All countries on earth must submit to Aliens if he does not want to be like Indonesia.

Ohh iya, versi Indonesianya nanti dulu ya

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